Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Warmth in the Cold

Sitting around the fire place
Sipping tea
Cuddled in a warm blanket
Windows frosted up
Jingle Bells playing far in the distance

Oh how I wish that we could experience this type of weather in FL without moving.

The weather Channel is hosting a Fall Photography contest. First place winner is the recipient of $2,500! I think I may enter it, though I have some odds working against me,... like the fact that I live in FL and it is still summer weather, and that we don't have many trees if any where the leaves change colors. So, that means I will have to find a way to use these "disadvantages" to my advantage! I want something that says this is what fall is like in FL, something that makes people feel like they want to be where my picture was taken, something that says "WINNER!!!" In order to do this I will need to take many pictures, and weed through them finding the best, I also, need to look at what I am up against; find their flaws and their strong points then I need to keep that in mind when I take my picture. Will I use a close up that seems to be my strength, or will I be daring and use a long shot? What will I incorporate in the picture? I need to focus on my strengths but I don't want the picture to be typical.

So I guess I won't be posting pictures for a while, because even though I will be taking them I don't want anyone to steal my ideas. Although, I will post what I have chosen after it is submitted. Thank you guys for your support!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fall Festivities

Fall stirs up a lot of emotion in people it seems, The changing colors of the leaves, refreshing breezes, mounds of comfort food, and I think it may just be the only time of year before Thanksgiving that people act truly thankful, just about all of us love the change fall brings with her.

This year it started with a cold front in October. Everyone was so excited! And just as it ended Halloween came right around the corner. Soon, we (my boyfriend and I) will have some friends visiting from out of state, then it will be Thanksgivings turn to flash it's warm festive colors, and spread those comforting filling aromas that make as all kinda sleepy yet eager to be with family and friends at the same time!

This is a picture that I feel reflects my feelings for fall. Now, granted it is a photo from Halloween so it mostly reflects Halloween, but the colors scream fall!

However I have noticed that along with my lack of keeping up this "daily" blog, the majority of my photos are all close ups. I do enjoy close up because of the intimacy and the direct approach of the subject. Though I do think some more long distance shots of wider areas and sky lines might have a different but equal effect. So I will go out today and take a lot of shots and filter through them using each for a new blog.

Oh, and just a side note: "I would like to thank my followers, I now have two. Both of whom I love. My Dear Grandfather who has never let me down and continues to love me no matter what, and my wonderful supporting friend who never fails to show me a fun time and makes me feel worthy of, well, me I guess. Thanks a ton to both of you!"