You know, I love painting. There are a lot of things I love...., like cooking and baking, and sewing, and taking pictures. I always try to do the things I love, it keeps me happy and content. However, I am not painting, or doing any kind of art on similar mediums. I always bake and cook, my sister just got me a sewing machine for Christmas, and before that I sewed by hand, and you all know I take pictures. Why don't I do more art on mediums such as canvas or paper?
My Grandfather is a wonderful artist, he has picked it up in the past years and is pretty talented I might add. His work is very interesting. He finds time to write, paint and take pictures. He lives a pretty healthy lifestyle and it shows in his work. You can tell he works out cognitively and he even mentions getting out and doing physical work as well, like hiking and biking, and I even think he lifts weights sometimes! His lifestyle and good habits are portrayed in all his work. And to see such drive, happiness, and determination is very inspirational. Every time I look at his work weather it be just writing, or if he posts pictures taken earlier that day of whats gone on during that day, or if he up loads a painting he has finished.
Maybe I should start getting more involved in that hobby as well the others. Sooo,.... You may start to see some of my own work posted up (besides my photographs).
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