Monday, September 27, 2010

Moving Along

I once lived in Lake Tahoe, on the state border of Nevada and California. It was truly beautiful. My backyard was mountains and hiking trails that lead to the lake (Lake Tahoe.) I remember riding bikes along the trails and jumping in the cool refreshing lake, I remember the cattails that my sister and I used to whack on the tree stumps in attempt to get the fuzz to fly everywhere. Up north really is as beautiful and interesting and as fun as people make it seem. When I first moved to F.L., it was a little difficult to adapt to all the changes.  The scenery the weather, the people. I often thought about moving up north again when I was of age.

Now I have really come to terms with F.L. and started appreciating her for what she was/is worth. Relaxing hot summer days, the smell of salt in the air when your near the ocean, the gentle cooing and cawing of the water birds. There is so much to love! 

Humans are creatures of adaption, that is our strong point. There is no other species that can adapt as fast as us. And, I have really come to love that about ourselves. I no longer dream of leaving F.L.. However I do still love the mountains and everything they offer. I do wish I could have it all. In fact one day when I win the lottery I will buy a house up north and here in the south,... maybe even some houses in other countries! I love the earth, i love different climates and atmosphere's and cultures. The world has so much to offer us, I wish I could take it all. I have such a deep hunger for it. Such a longing to see all I can see. 

But for now,... I am content where I am at! I love my life, I love the beach. The feel of the sun beating against your skin, the bare clean sky lines of the beaches with tall city buildings dabbled here and there. I really could not be displeased with what I have been given. Moving has been an overall wonderful experience! I have learned so much I might not have learned had I stayed in the same place my entire life. :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Flash of Light

Sometimes good people come into our lives, other times we are not so fortunate. At some point or another, we might take these people for granted, taking advantage of them, not taking their thoughts or feelings into consideration. These are some of the more difficult or serious relationships we may find ourselves engaged in. How do you know when enough is enough without a guilty feeling that you've thrown in the towel too early? What if all you are hoping for is acceptance and caring in the person who should be most willing. These are questions I think run through a lot of our minds. Especially people who feel they have been abandoned, wrongly judged, or just plain neglected. There are so many variables causing these questions to jump around in your minds everywhere. You might feel like you can't wait until things aren't so difficult, if it could even get easier. Is every ones life like this; always trying so hard and worrying all the time that your not doing it "right". I guess the way you know when enough is enough is when you realize that these people (no matter how much we love them, or want to make the relationship work) aren't learning from their mistakes. When they continually make the same ones over, and over, and over again. When you realized that by trying to maintain a relationship with this person/s you are you doing more damage to yourself, that's when you know this person has got to go go go.

It may seem like after a short amount of time has gone by that they have forgotten all about you, like you were never that important. BUT YOU ARE!!! You see, no matter how you got through this and everything else previously, you held your head high and continued to push forward seeking what you knew you deserved! It takes some people a life time to see that they themselves are worthy people. Worthy of love, health, peace of mind, and respect. It is these people who try to bring us down. They do not know that they are worthy of these things, so why should anyone else be worthy of such beautiful gifts? So, subconsciously they bring us down by whatever means necessary lying, cheating, be-belittling, imposing guilt on others etc..

It is important that we are aware of these amazing things that we are entitled to. I feel truly sorry for the people who don't realize it. Our lives are short and getting shorter, to live a life constantly denying yourself and others of such great pleasures is a very sad life indeed. Our lives flash by before us, bold and beautiful but quickly gone. Why sentence yourself to such agony. Instead, take everything in equally. Surround yourself with healthy relationships that leave you yearning for more! Don't ever doubt your value, don't ever question your worth. The more you push your horizons and continue to love learning and improving, the more you are worth. The more you say your worth, the more you actually are. ... Just don't go over board and get to big for your britches. Then, you just look silly.

I chose this picture because I feel it accurately depicts our lives shining bright and beautifully. But seeing as this is an action shot, it is all too clear that this light will soon be absent, as will we. Shine while we can, be the best people we can possibly be! Never take the ones you love for granted, no matter how easy it is to pick up the behaviors of the ones that we loved who did it to us. Do NOT follow in their footsteps. Be who you are and stand up for what you believe to be good, and true, and worthy. Never let your light fade. If you can give yourself happiness then you are set for life, no matter what it throws your way!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'mmmm baaaack...

I guess you could say I took a summer break from the blogging. Here in FL it is so easy to get sidetracked, there is so much to do and never a dull moment, I can honestly say that, there is never a dull moment.

However, I cannot honestly say that I spent the entirety of my time at the beach or doing fun things. Though I did do a lot of fun things, I have also been working a lot and trying to save up money for a car. Just when we (my boyfriend and I) thought we might have enough money for a car,... we have an unfortunate emergency room visit. I am however happy to announce that he made a quick recovery and is very healthy. Nothing means more to me than that. However it seems with that aside, expenses keep building up and money keeps disappearing.

The reason I chose to post this picture is because no matter what happens and how stressed your everyday life makes you, it is important to just let go sometimes. Let go of your stress let go of your discipline and just relax and enjoy your self. Weather you enjoy it alone or with friends. However you should not let go to the point that you loose all control and spiral downward into destruction. It is a good practice to let go, we cannot always control every aspect of our lives. Eventually money will have to be spent despite our attempts to save, health problems will arise with no warnings, to have complete control over our lives is not possible and to try to accomplish that would be self destruction in a sense. You would only be stressing yourself out over the inevitable and stress can cause a variety of health problems as well as mental and emotional problems. So just let go. ^_^

I was alone when I took this picture. I decided to go to the beach by myself and just get some sun and fresh air. I thought it would do me some good to get away by myself for a while. And it did, I felt soo much better when I came back home. I packed myself a lunch, took some pictures, and relaxed. It was all very enjoyable and refreshing.